Sports & Activities

FAI Soccer Blitz

Well done to the 24 children from 5th and 6th classes who represented the school today in the FAI 5-a-side County Qualification Blitz, which took place in SETU Arena.

The children were split into 3 teams of 8, and each team was placed in a group with other local schools. Every pupil who put on the St Paul’s jersey today did so with great pride. The children were a credit to themselves and their school, with regard to their behaviour, sportsmanship, effort, skill level, and most importantly, the comradery and school spirit that they showed.

Of the 14 teams taking part on the day, the final was contested by the last remaining of our 3 teams, and a strong Gael Scoil na nDeise team (A local derby!).

After an amazing game, including 5 minutes of extra time, the St Paul’s team emerged victorious on a score line of 6-4. A special mention to one of our 6th class pupils, who scored an amazing 4 goals in the final! Great scenes followed, as all 24 of the children in school colours celebrated together.

This team will go on to compete in the county final in April, with the winners representing Waterford in Munster.

Gaelic Football

Every year in Autumn, our boys take part in U13 and U11 Gaelic football competitions. They usually compete in Rionn B against four different teams. The boys enjoy competing against teams from other schools.


We enter our boys in the Cumann na mBunscoil competition each year. Boys from 4th, 5th and 6th enjoy training during the year for matches, which usually take place in Spring. Again, our boys compete in Rionn B against four different teams.

Indoor Hurling with Roanmore CLG

The boys from Senior Infants to 3rd class are enjoying indoor hurling sessions with Ciaran and Ethan from Roanmore CLG.


This term swimming lessons will take place during the 2nd term, in St. Paul’s as part of our PE curriculum we visit a local pool each year. Every class from 1st up to 6th attend for a block of 6 weeks.

Please remember to pack a hat, togs, goggles and a towel in your swimming bag!


Choir takes place on Wednesday afternoons for pupils from 2nd to 6th class with Catherine

On Thursdays, Danny from Music Generation teaches whole class recorder lessons for pupils in 3rd class and 29 pupils from 4th to 6th for clarinet, flute and Saxophone lessons


Scratch in St. Paul’s NS

M.I.T. is America’s top university. They developed a programming language called Scratch as an educational tool to promote coding/computer programming among children. They made Scratch free for all to use. User are known as Scratchers. It allows young people to create digital animations and games while promoting computational thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun, creative way.

Our 4th, 5th and 6th classes have completed a series of lessons and are now well on their
way to becoming impressive “Scratchers”. 3rd class are hot on their heels.

Pupils can access Scratch 3.0 on any computer. Ask your child to show you. You will be amazed at what they can do.
Well done to our great programmers of the future!

Welcome to the Active School Flag Section of our Website.

Here, you can see some of the activities that we have been getting up to. At the moment, we are working towards achieving our first active school flag. We have learned how important exercise is for our health and we are really enjoying being more
active in school and spending more time outdoors.

Each class completes at least one movement break a day. For example, a dance, a walk, a run or exercises in the
classroom. Our school has created its very own active school slogan (well done second class!). The slogan is; ‘In St. Paul’s we want to get fit, everyone is doing their bit’. We now have playground leaders too. These playground leaders play games with the infants at lunch time.

Some of the other things we’ve done are a cycling course, a non-contact rugby course and we’ve got some new PE equipment.
We will soon be starting a four-week running challenge. We will also begin planning our active school week very soon.

Written by members of the active school flag pupil committee:
Zack, Bobby and Dale

Active Week

Run around Ireland


Our Active Walkway

Our Playground Leaders

Our Active School Slogans

Tag Rugby with Waterford Sports Partnership

Junior Infants Feeding the Birds

Dancing to Music Generation’s Live Gig

Santa Run

Junior Infants Hallowe’en Walk to the Play Park

Maths Trail

Junior Infants Nature Walk

Active Movement Breaks